On May 22nd 2019, We Feed the World was invited to attend the Lush Spring Prize at Rich Mix in East London. The prize celebrates projects around the world for innovative ideas and work that contribute to social and environmental regeneration.

Natural cosmetics company Lush, help fund and support grassroots organisations in their work towards regeneration, from tomato farmers in Italy helping support and integrate migrant and refugee communities to Zimbabwe wide smallholder organic farmers forums (ZIMSOFF), helping build a diverse and localised movement towards a more resilient future. Host to a programme packed full with talks, workshops and the prize giving ceremony, the event saw many gather to not only celebrate, but debate what regeneration looks like in its myriad forms and what we can all do to help support and contribute to this growing movement.

Nelson Mudzingwa, one of the founding members of ZIMSOFF, who are representatives of a community featured in the We Feed the World exhibition and a part of global peasant farmers movement Via Campesina, took to the stage to discuss approaches to regenerative agriculture. Bringing with him insight from Zimbabwe, he stated that by building community and empowering marginalised voices such as women elders, we can build a more resilient and just food and faming system which recognises Nature and the value in ecologically-based practices for all.

A selection of the resilient stories of farmers featured in We Feed the World were displayed across the walls of Rich Mix, bringing to the conversations the stories of farmers and Indigenous Peoples who are practicing agroecological and regenerative farming practices on-the-ground each and every day to feed their communities.

Stories featured included; Zaza Ivanidze from Georgia, photographed by Antoine Bruy, the San Isidro community in Mexico, photographed by Graciela Iturbide and the Cecaq-11 Cooperative on São Tomé, photographed by David Chancellor. Read their stories by clicking here.

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